Imprese Vincenti 2021, Intesa Sanpaolo Group rewards the SMEs stronger than the crisis

The initiave for the promotion of Italian business excellence has concluded a particularly significant third edition, focusing on projects for relaunching and transforming businesses, which have allowed SMEs to successfully react to the difficulties of the pandemic.

112 companies selected from more than 3,500 candidatures, considered “winning” because able to grow and maintain jobs, implement transformations and activate highly sustainable solutions on an economic, social and environmental level, reacting to both the economic crisis and the Covid emergency.

The digital tour Imprese Vincenti 2021, concluded on November 4th, included eight thematic events, dedicated to Innovation-R&D, Internationalisation, Digitalisation, Sustainability and ESG, Local Supply Chains and Human Capital. Transpack won in the ESG and SUSTAINABILITY category, an important award which reflects the willingness and commitment of the entire Group to create value, in addition to profit.