Full compliance with the environmental, social and economic values promoted by the FSC and PEFC organisations: Transpack obtains both certifications, thus offering the guarantee of wood and cardboard packaging from responsibly managed forests.

I motivi che hanno spinto Transpack ad intraprendere questo percorso sono insiti nelle aspirazioni aziendali, volte a dimostrare e promuovere un uso corretto delle risorse forestali, contrastandone il consumo indiscriminato.

L’ottenimento delle FSC e PEFC abbrevia le distanze verso un modello di gestione circolare della materia prima, con maggior recupero e riciclo, e conseguente riduzione degli scarti. In tal senso, è utile richiamare il termine giapponese “mottainai”, che tradotto letteralmente significa dispiacere per lo spreco, ed iniziare a ripensare il modello d’impresa, affinché quest’ultima possa trasformarsi da estrattiva (consumatrice di risorse) a rigenerativa (produttrice di prodotti e servizi senza consumo di nuove risorse).

Economia circolare del legno

Wood recycling, from necessity to opportunity

Italy is one of the leading countries in the field of wood recovery and recycling economy, with a percentage of about 67%.

In little more than 20 years, the wood recovery and recycling system has created a new form of sustainable economy in Italy, with important results in terms of environmental protection, but also in terms of creating development and employment. According to research carried out by the Milan Polytechnic, post-consumer wood recycling in Italy has an economic impact estimated at around EUR 1.4 billion, 6 000 jobs and a reduction in CO2 consumption of almost one million tonnes.

Efficient management of the wood life cycle is therefore not only a commitment to an increasingly sustainable world, but also an economic and social resource.